Este control se usa para crear los dialogos modales de Bootstrap, son 100% responisives.
Código: Seleccionar todo
include ( "config.php" );
// Librerias
include( TWEB_PATH . 'core.php' );
include( TWEB_PATH . 'core.section.php' );
include( TWEB_PATH . 'core.modal.php' );
// include( TWEB_PATH . 'core.table.php' );
$oWeb = new TWeb( "TEST TMODAL" );
$oWeb->lAwesome = true;
$msg = "Test doble click";
$oWnd = new TWindow( 'main', 5, 12, '98%', '95%' );
$aData = [ [ "fecha" => "05/02/20222", "id" => 1, "nombre" => "RALPH DEL CASTILLO", "pais" => "PERU", "telefono" => "+56 000000"],
[ "fecha" => "25/02/20222", "id" => 2, "nombre" => "ANTONIO TWEB", "pais" => "VZLA", "telefono" => "+56 000001"],
[ "fecha" => "30/02/20222", "id" => 3, "nombre" => "OSCAR COSTA", "pais" => "COSTA", "telefono" => "+56 000002"]
$cHtml = '<a class="add-row" href="javascript:AddRow()" title="Like">'.
'<i class="fa fa-plus"></i>'.
'<a class="del-row" href="javascript:DelRow()" title="Remove">'.
'<i class="fa fa-trash"></i>'.
$oGrid = new TDataTable( $oWnd, 'dtuser', 10, 5, '100%', '93%', $aData );
$oGrid->AddCol( 'fecha' , 'Fecha' );
$oGrid->AddCol( 'id' , 'Codigo' );
$oGrid->AddCol( 'nombre', 'Nombre', null, AL_LEFT );
$oGrid->AddCol( 'pais', 'Usuario', null, AL_LEFT );
$oGrid->AddCol( 'telefono', 'Telefono', null, AL_LEFT );
$oGrid->AddColHtml('Html', $cHtml);
$oGrid->AddColIcon('Icon', "fa fa-trash", "red", "TestIcon()", "Delete Row");
$oGrid->AddColButton('Button', "Test", "btn-row", "TestBtn()", "Test de Button");
$oGrid->Title("Gestión de Usuarios", "black", "white", "title");
$oGrid->AddButton("bmsg", "Toast", "Notify()", "fa fa-home");
$oGrid->AddButton("bnew", "DlgCustom", "AddUser()", "fas fa-user");
$oGrid->AddButton("bedit", "DlgHtml", "Html()", "fas fa-code");
$oGrid->AddButton("bdel", "DlgTable", "Table()", "fas fa-table");
$oGrid->AddButton("btable", "BSTable", "BSTable()", "fas fa-table");
$oGrid->AddButton("bspin", "DlgSpinner", "Spinner()", "far fa-arrow-alt-circle-up");
$oGrid->AddButton("bexit", "Salir", "Salir()", "fas fa-sign-out-alt");
$oGrid->CheckBox( true );
$oGrid->SetColorHeader( 'black', 'aqua' );
$oGrid->HeaderRowSize( 28 );
$oGrid->CellRowSize( 25 );
$oGrid->FontSize( 16 );
$oGrid->PageLength( 10 );
$oGrid->Info( false );
$oGrid->Paging( true );
$oGrid->ScrollY( "420px" );
$oGrid->Export( true, [ "copy", "excel", "pdf", "print", "csv" ] );
$oGrid->Filter( true );
$oGrid->DoubleClick( "JMsgInfo('".$msg."')");
// $oGrid->SetFormater( "formaterTable(row, data, index)" );
$aParams = [ "id" => 1, "user" => "ALBEIRO VALENCIA", "autor" => "TVALWEB" ];
$oWnd->footer( "Footer", $aParams );
function Footer( $aParams ) {
$oFooter = new TFooter();
$oFooter->addText( "USUARIO : ".$aParams["id"].", ".$aParams["user"], "text-footer" );
$oFooter->addText( $aParams["autor"], "text-footer" );
$oFooter->addIcon( null, "testIcon()", "", '#e7eeef', 'black' );
function ModalUser() {
$oModal = new TModal( 'oModalU', 'AGENTES', null, null, MODAL_LARGE );
$oLine = $oModal->InLineControls();
$oLine->Input( 'Nombre', 'get1', TYPE_TEXT, null, null, null, true );
$oLine->Input( 'Usuario', 'get2', TYPE_TEXT, null, null, null, true );
$oLine = $oModal->InLineControls();
$oLine->Input( 'Nueva Contraseña', 'get3', TYPE_TEXT );
$oLine->Input( 'Repita Contraseña', 'get4', TYPE_TEXT );
$oModal->AddInput( 'Direccion', 'get5', TYPE_TEXT );
$oLine = $oModal->InLineControls();
$cHtml = '<div class="left">';
$cHtml .= ' <label>Telefono :</label>';
$cHtml .= '</div>';
$cHtml .= '<div class="right">';
$cHtml .= ' <input type=text">';
$cHtml .= '</div>';
$cHtml .= '<div class="input-mobil">';
$cHtml .= ' <label style="width: 168px;">Mobil :</label>';
$cHtml .= ' <input type=text" style="width: 165px;">';
$cHtml .= ' <i class="fab fa-whatsapp whatsapp" ></i>';
$cHtml .= ' <input type="checkbox">';
$cHtml .= '</div>';
$oLine->Html( $cHtml );
$oLine = $oModal->InLineControls();
$oLine->Input( 'Nif-Cif', 'get8', TYPE_TEXT );
$oLine->Input( 'Cod Postal', 'get9', TYPE_TEXT );
$oModal->AddInput( 'Municipio', 'get10', TYPE_TEXT );
$oModal->AddSelect( 'Ciudad', 'get11' );
$oModal->AddSelect( 'Pais', 'get12' );
$oLine = $oModal->InLineControls();
$oLine->Input( 'E-Mail', 'get13', TYPE_TEXT );
$oLine->Input( 'Cod Social', 'get14', TYPE_TEXT );
$oModal->AddSelect( 'Departamento', 'get15', [], "fa fa-plus", "info()" );
$oLine = $oModal->InLineControls();
$oLine->Input( 'Fecha Alta', 'get16', TYPE_DATE );
$oLine->Input( 'Fecha Baja', 'get17', TYPE_DATE );
$oModal->AddTextArea( 'Notas', 'get18' );
$oModal->AddButton( 'bsave1', 'Aceptar', '', 'black', 'green', BTN_DEFAULT );
$oModal->AddButton( 'bexit1', 'Cancelar', '', 'white', '#767070', BTN_CANCEL );
function ModalTable() {
$aData = [ [ "codigo" => 1, "nombre" => "JUAN PEREZ", "pais" => "PERU", "telefono" => "+56 000000"],
[ "codigo" => 2, "nombre" => "LOCO MADURO", "pais" => "VZLA", "telefono" => "+56 000001"],
[ "codigo" => 3, "nombre" => "PROFE CASTILLO", "pais" => "COSTA", "telefono" => "+56 000002"]
$oModal = new TModal( 'oModalT', 'TABLA', null, null, MODAL_LARGE );
$oTable = $oModal->AddTable( $aData );
$oTable->AddColumn( "codigo", "Codigo", null, AL_LEFT);
$oTable->AddColumn( "nombre", "Nombre", null, AL_LEFT);
$oTable->AddColumn( "pais", "Pais", null, AL_LEFT);
$oTable->AddColumn( "telefono", "Telefono", null, AL_LEFT);
$oTable->AddButton("01", "Nuevo", "AddRowModal()", "fa fa-plus");
$oTable->AddButton("02", "Elimina", "DelRowModal()", "fa fa-minus");
$oModal->AddButton( 'bexit2', 'Cancelar', '', 'white', '#767070', BTN_CANCEL );
function ModalHtml() {
$Html = '<div class="mhtml">';
$Html .= ' <h1>TEST CON HTML</h1>';
$Html .= '</div>';
$Html .= ' <input id="name" class="myname" type="text" placeholder="Ingrese nombre"/>';
$oModal = new TModal( 'oModalH', 'HTML', null, null, MODAL_LARGE );
$oModal->AddHtml( $Html );
$oModal->AddButton( 'bsave', 'Acepta', 'valida()', 'black', 'green', BTN_CANCEL );
$oModal->AddButton( 'bexit', 'Cancelar', '', 'white', '#767070', BTN_CANCEL );
function ModalSpinner() {
$oModal = new TModal( 'oModalS', 'SPINNER & IMAGE', null, null, MODAL_LARGE );
$oModal->AddImage("image", IMAGE_PATH."logo.png", AL_CENTER, '64px');
$oModal->AddInput('RUC/DNI del cliente', 'codcli', TYPE_TEXT, '', 'fas fa-search', 'Cliente()' );
$oModal->AddInput('Nombre o Razón Social', 'nomcli', TYPE_TEXT, '', '');
$oModal->AddInput('Correo electrónico', 'email', TYPE_TEXT, '', '');
$oModal->AddInput('Fecha requerida', 'fecreq', TYPE_DATE, '', '');
$oModal->AddInput('Dirección de entrega', 'dircli', TYPE_EMAIL, '', '');
$oModal->AddTextArea('Observaciones', 'observ', TYPE_TEXT, '', '');
$oModal->AddSpinner("spin", "Cantidad :" );
$oModal->AddButton( 'bexit', 'Cancelar', '', 'white', '#767070', BTN_CANCEL );
var oGrid;
var oModalU;
var oModalT;
var oModalH;
var oModalS;
var aData = [
{ "codigo" : 1, "nombre" : "JUAN PEREZ", "pais" : "PERU", "telefono" : "+56 000000" },
{ "codigo" : 2, "nombre" : "LOCO MADURO", "pais" : "VZLA", "telefono" : "+56 000001" },
{ "codigo" : 3, "nombre" : "PROFE CASTILLO", "pais" : "COSTA", "telefono" : "+56 000002" }
$(function() {
let oCtrl = new TControl();
oGrid = oCtrl.GetControl("dtuser");
oModalU = new TModal("oModalU");
oModalT = new TModal("oModalT");
oModalH = new TModal("oModalH");
oModalS = new TModal("oModalS");
function AddUser() {
var aCiudad = [ ["Acarigua"], ["Araure"], ["Barquisimeto"], ["Caracas"], ["Valencia"], ["Maracay"], ["Cucuta"],
["Medellin"], ["Cali"], ["San Cristobal"] ];
var aPais = [ ["Argentina"], ["Alemania"], ["Brasil"], ["Bermudas"], ["Canada"], ["Costa Rica"], ["Colombia"],
["Peru"], ["Chile"], ["Venezuela"] ];
oModalU.setlistbox("get11", aCiudad);
oModalU.setlistbox("get12", aPais);
function Html() {;
function Table() {;
function AddRowModal() {
var aRow = { codigo : 7, nombre : "OSCAR CHACON", pais : "MIAMI", telefono : "+56 000000" };
oModalT.addTableRow( aRow );
function DelRowModal() {
function BSTable() {
location.href = "test_bstable.php";
function Spinner() {
oModalS.setimage("image", "./images/twitter-64.png");;
function info() {
JMsgInfo("Click Table Modal");
function valida() {
JMsgInfo( oModalH.get("name"));
function input() {
JMsgInfo("Click en input");
function Cliente() {
JMsgInfo("Click en Cliente");
function testIcon() {
JMsgInfo("TVALWEB Ver. 2.0, The Power of the web!!!");
function AddRow() {
oGrid.InsertRow({ id : 10, nombre : "LEONEL MESSI", pais : "ARGENTINA", telefono : "+56 00000096" });
function DelRow() {
function TestIcon() {
JMsgInfo('Elimina Row');
function TestBtn() {
JMsgInfo("Test Button Column");
function Salir() {
location.href = './test_login.php';
.mhtml {
background-color: aquamarine;
color: black;
.myname {
color: blue;
.input-mobil {
float: right;
margin-left: 10px;
@media (max-width : 640px) {
.input-mobil label {
margin-left: -8px !important;
.input-mobil input {
margin-left: -8px !important;
.whatsapp {
margin-right: 8px;
.text-footer {
color: #0b369b;
font-size: 13px;
font-weight: bold;
font-family: verdana;
.add-row {
color: green;
.del-row {
margin-left: 10px;
color: red;
.btn-row {
width: 60px;
height: 25px;
background-color: #6ea220 !important;
border-color: #a7bda4 !important;
color: white !important;